jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Notas python

  • Ipython:  Command shell for interactive computing originally for python (also works for R, Julia and Haskell).
  • Project jupyter: Notebook (web browser based editor) supporting also Julia, R, Haskell and Ruby.
  • Fenics: computing platform for solving PDE. An easy (but ugly) way to install and run is docker. A nicer: via conda. Don't forget to run
    source activate fenicsproject
    before run python (or python3, ipython, ipython3...)
Historic note: Project Jupyter starts in 2014 as a spin-off project from IPython. IPython will continue to exist as a Python shell and a kernel for Jupyter, while the notebook and other language-agnostic parts of IPython will move under the Jupyter name.

Otra lista de enlaces y programas útiles.

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