domingo, 23 de julio de 2017

Papitas emacs

Interesting stuff coming by default
  • org-mode
  • speedbar
  • imenu (M-x f90-add-imenu-menu): añade un tab con todas las subrutinas y funciones dentro del buffer actual.
  • Wich function mode (M-x which-function-mode) Supported only in f90 mode.
  • Mark (light) the the current line: (M-x hl-line-mode)
Checking and Correcting Spelling: (see this link). In particular, flyspell-mode (see manual) and ispell

Some useful add-ons that can be installed
  • yasnippet: It allows to type an abbreviation and automatically expand it into function templates written in plain text, so they are easy to create and edit shortcuts.
  • corfu: small package, which relies on the Emacs completion facilities and concentrates on providing a polished completion UI.
  • AUCTeX: package for TeX files. In particular, allows backward/inverse search
  • Minimap: It shows a smaller "minibar", highlights the portion of the buffer that is currently visible in the main window. Particularly useful when the file is too big. You can install it from MELPA: M-x list-packages
  • Sublimity: Smooth-scrolling and minimap, like (the non-free) Sublime editor.
  • ellama:  is a tool for interacting with large language models from Emacs


etags is an useful tool to generate tags for Emacs. For details visit this post on this blog.


MELPA is a package repository that contains an enormous amount of useful Emacs packages, en particular you can install gnuplot-mode. With ALT-X install-package it is easy to install several modes, like the matlab or minimap.

 To autoload gnuplot-mode on any file with gp extension, put this in ~/.emacs file:

(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.gp$" . gnuplot-mode))

To begin using octave-mode for all .m files you visit, add the following lines to ~/.emacs file:

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (cons '("\\.m$" . octave-mode) auto-mode-alist))

More details about octave-mode in this link.

A list with links and useful software.

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