Usefull links
- Colection of codes on matlab,C, C++, fortran, python among others:
- List of free softwares for linear algebra.
- Database of mathematical software linked with relevant references:
- Journal ranking:
- A short list of useful IA:
- Colection of codes on matlab,C, C++, fortran, python among others:
- List of free softwares for linear algebra.
- Database of mathematical software linked with relevant references:
- Journal ranking:
- A short list of useful IA:
- Basic
- GNU Emacs: extensible and customizable text editor -- and more. See some papitas.
- Geogebra: Interactive 2D/3D geometry software very simple to use.
- Maxima: Computer system algebra written in Common Lisp.
- Sage: Free and open-source mathematics software, pretty good for symbolic computations. See also SageMathCloud: Cocalc.
- Magma: Mathematically rigorous software designed for computations in algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, and algebraic combinatorics. It is not free, but it has a student version.
- Numeric
- gcc, GNU Compiler Collection.
- Octave: High-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations.
- Julia: a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing
- TNT: Template Numerical Toolkit for manipulating vectors a matrices in C++.
- MUMPS: a parallel sparse direct solver.
- Pardiso: for solving large sparse symmetric and unsymmetric linear systems of equations.
- SuperLU: general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations.
- SPARSKIT: tool package for working with sparse matrices
- fftw: Discrete Fourier transform tool package for working with sparse matrices, and some examples.
- Mesh generators
- Triangle: A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator.
- TetGen: A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and a 3D Delaunay Triangulator.
- Gmsh: A two and three-dimensional finite element mesh generator.
- Salome A 2D/3D mesh generator, excellent for build complex geometries. Code-Aster has its version of this software called Salome-Meca
- CAD: FreeCAD is a general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software with finite element method (FEM) support.[ 2D/3D mesh generator, excellent for build complex geometries. Other software used as CAD, but what does for much more, is Blender.
- Software for simulate hemodinamic models.
- GIBBON is a Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON. It is an opensource MATLAB tool interfaced with some free software, such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshes.
- PDE solvers by finite elements method
- FEniCS Project. Some projects associated: Firedrake.
- FreeFem++
- deal.II
- DUNE (Finite Elements, Finite Volumes and Finite Differences)
- FEMPAR: (Written in Modern Fortran)
- Gridap: (Written in Julia)
- mfem: free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods.
- PDE solvers by volume elements method
- OpenFOAM (Open-source Field Operation And Manipulation) is a Finite Volume Method solver for solve PDE. It has three variants: OpenFOAM , OpenFOAM® and the fork of OpenFOAM® called FOAM-Extend. Spetial mention to solids4foam, a toolbox of OpenFOAM to solve FSI (Fluid Solid Interactions).
- Solver for Immersed bounday method (using finite difference method as fluid solver):
- IBAMR: Sofisticated software writed in C++
- Solver for Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interactions:
- OpenIFEM: An implementation of the Immersed Finite Element Method based on deal.II
- Cardiac simulation
- lifex: Solver for multi-physics and multi-scale problems that
incorporates state-of-the-(he)art core models for the simulation. It is based on deal.II
- Visualization
- Gnuplot: command-line program to generate 2D-3D graphics for explicit functions, data or data fits.
- VisIt: open-source, interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool.
- ParaView: open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.
- Some statistics software:
- R project: free software for statistical computing and graphics.
- jamovi: is an open-source statistical spreadsheet, designed to be easy to use, and built on the top of R project.
- jasp-stats: is an open-source statistics program for both classical and form.
Other tools
- generates references (ex: in bibtex format) from the doi of a paper.
Teching tools
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Other links
Other posts in this blog with useful links
- About LaTeX
- About Inglés
- About Python
- About Emacs
- About Modern Fortran
- Links con chayas para presevisualizationnthaciones
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