miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Libros v1

  • La semana pasada por fin terminé de leer El Jarama e industrias y andanzas de Alfanguí, de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio. Lo comencé en febrero y me había quedado la última parte pendiente (el libro era prestado y tuve que devolverlo antes de terminarlo). Trata de un niño que describe su mundo de forma muy creativa. Es muy corto, el primer tercio es genial, pero me da la idea que el autor quiso alargarlo para que pueda ser un libro y no sólo un cuento. Es uno de esos libros que hay que leer.
  • Acabo de terminar también La décima sinfonía, del musicólogo Barry Cooper. Es una narración  semidetectivesca bien entretenida. Gira en torno a una obra que Beethoven dejó inconclusa, que recostruyó un mediocre director de orquesta a partir de unos pocos borradores dejados por Beethoven. Ocurre un asesinato, y como estaría asociado a esta obra se solicita la ayuda como perito de la investigación a un experto en Beethoven -el protagonista del libro- ...   no cuento más.

Acepto sugerencias de libros, y muchor mejor si me prestan el libro sugerido  :D

viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Enlaces y programas útiles

Usefull links


  • Geogebra: Interactive 2D/3D geometry software very simple to use.
  • Maxima: Computer system algebra written in Common Lisp
  • Sage: Free and open-source mathematics software, pretty good for symbolic computations. See also SageMathCloud: Cocalc.
  • Magma: Mathematically rigorous software designed for computations in algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, and algebraic combinatorics. It is not free, but it has a student version.

  • gcc, GNU Compiler Collection.
  • Octave: High-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations.
  • Julia: a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for numerical computing
  • TNT: Template Numerical Toolkit for manipulating vectors a matrices in C++. 
  • MUMPS: a parallel sparse direct solver.
  • Pardiso: for solving large sparse symmetric and unsymmetric linear systems of equations.
  • SuperLU: general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. 
  • SPARSKIT: tool package for working with sparse matrices
  •  fftw: Discrete Fourier transform tool package for working with sparse matrices, and some examples.

    Mesh generators
  • Triangle: A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator.
  • TetGen: A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and a 3D Delaunay Triangulator.
  • Gmsh: A two and three-dimensional finite element mesh generator.
  • Salome A 2D/3D mesh generator, excellent for build complex geometries. Code-Aster has its version of this software called Salome-Meca
  • CAD: FreeCAD is a general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software with finite element method (FEM) support.[ 2D/3D mesh generator, excellent for build complex geometries. Other software used as CAD, but what does  for much more, is Blender.
  • Software for simulate hemodinamic models.
  • GIBBON is a Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON. It is an opensource MATLAB tool interfaced with some free software, such as TetGen, for robust tetrahedral meshes.

    PDE solvers by finite elements method
  • FEniCS Project. Some projects associated: Firedrake.
  • FreeFem++
  • deal.II
  • DUNE (Finite Elements, Finite Volumes and Finite Differences)
  • FEMPAR: (Written in Modern Fortran)
  • Gridap: (Written in Julia)
  • mfem: free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods.


    PDE solvers by volume elements method
  • OpenFOAM (Open-source Field Operation And Manipulation) is a Finite Volume Method solver for solve PDE. It has three variants: OpenFOAM , OpenFOAM® and the fork of OpenFOAM® called FOAM-Extend. Spetial mention to solids4foam, a toolbox of OpenFOAM to solve FSI (Fluid Solid Interactions). 

    Solver for Immersed bounday method (using finite difference method as fluid solver):
  • IBAMR: Sofisticated software writed in C++


    Solver for Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid-Structure Interactions:
  • OpenIFEM: An implementation of the Immersed Finite Element Method based on deal.II


    Cardiac simulation
  • lifex Solver for multi-physics and multi-scale problems that incorporates state-of-the-(he)art core models for the simulation. It is based on deal.II


  • Gnuplot: command-line program to generate 2D-3D graphics for explicit functions, data or data fits.
  • VisIt: open-source, interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool.
  • ParaView: open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.

    Some statistics software:
  • R project: free software for statistical computing and graphics.
  • jamovi: is an open-source statistical spreadsheet, designed to be easy to use, and built on the top of R project.
  • jasp-stats: is an open-source statistics program for both  classical and form.



Other tools

  • https://refninja.org/ generates references (ex: in bibtex format) from the doi of a paper.
  • In http://hughesbennett.co.uk/Toolbox it is possible use some open source software (octave, maxima, r-project, among others) without downloads or installations.
  • Cocalc (or SageMathCloud): is a web-based cloud computing for editing Sage worksheets, LaTeX documents, and IPython notebooks. Is part of the Sage project.
  • Amazon EC2: a virtual computing environment.
  • Wolfram Alpha: online service based on Mathematica.
  • Desmos:  graphing calculator implemented as a web application and a mobile app.
  • On line encyclopedia of integer sequences (spanish version).
  • WebPlotDigitizer is a useful tool for analyze plots.
  • The Springer Latex Search let search equations throught its LaTeX code.
  • Online compiler and debugger (for C, C++, Fotran, Python...): online gdb. 
  • tikzcd-editorsimple, visual editor for creating commutative diagrams: on girhub an online.
  • Sharing files: transfer.sh (files of any size) an wetransfer (it is free until 2GB).
  •  ImageJ is a free software for image processing based on Java. 
  •  PSeint is an intuitive tool to create a pseucode in Spanish.
  •  WinEpi, acronym of Working in epidemiology, is an online calculator with epidemiological tools.
  •  paperswithcode is a website with papers and its respective codes (ex: computer vision).


Teching tools

  • List of useful software for online courses

    Sharing files

  • https://transfer.sh/
  • https://wetransfer.com/

      For meetings

  • https://www.when2meet.com: Free service to help you to find the best time for a group to meet.

    Other links

    Other posts in this blog with useful links

    jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

    Emacs para todo

    Hace un par de años publiqué gedit para todo, y ése fue el último año que usé gedit. Ahora soy un fiel miembro de la iglesia de Emacs.

    Lo negativo de Emacs -al contrario de gedit- puede ser la curva de aprendizaje, al ser muy versátil hay que dedicar tiempo al principio para descubrir su potencial (ej: org-mode). Pero para quien edite archivos de texto plano a menudo puede valer la pena invertir tiempo por un bien mayor.

    Lo positivo:
    • Está disponible para los OS más populares. Con esto, si me cambio a otro computador puedo seguir trabajando con el mismo editor.
    • Es una de las joyita del software libre creado en los 70' por el mismísimo gurú del software libre Richard Stallman y ha estado en continuo desarrollo hasta hoy.

    ¿ y qué me importa que lo haya hecho un geek hace años?
    En que muchos geeks lo han usado por décadas, por lo que si queremos hacer algo con Emacs seguramente muchos ya lo pensaron, alguno de esos geeks lo implementó y otros lo mejoraron.

    - Por ejemplo, tiene coloreado para freefem, y es el único editor que conozco para esto. -

    Una lista (en eterna construcción) de cosas que me han resultado interesantes sobre emacs: papitas emacs.